特殊フォルダ Camera Roll, Saved Pictures, Searches


What Are the Camera Roll and Saved Pictures Folders?

Take a look inside your Pictures folder and you will see the Camera Roll and Saved Pictures folders. These are created automatically if you have Windows 10.

The Camera Roll folder is used by the Camera app to store all created photos and videos. The Saved Pictures folder is used by the Photos app. These two apps are the reason these annoying folders exist.

Searches/ については、What is the Purpose of the "searches" folder? - (新) 檜山正幸のキマイラ飼育記 メモ編 参照。

The folder contains shortcuts to search results. You can revisit the file by clicking on the shortcut. The total space usage, notwithstanding the number of shortcuts, is tiny. My folder is 20 kb. You can delete the contents if you wish. I suppose someone investigating the files accessed could gather information if they wanted.