

/-! example_1.lean -/

namespace Imp
def elim_right {A B: Prop} (f:A → B) (a:A) : B :=
   f a
def elim_left {A B: Prop} (a:A) (f:A → B) : B :=
   f a
end Imp

variable (A B C D: Prop)

def example_1 (p1: A) (p2: A→B) (p3: B→C)  :  C∧(A∨D) :=
 /-(1)-/ have a: A := p1
 /-(2)-/ have a_imp_b := p2
 /-(3)-/ have b: B := Imp.elim_left a a_imp_b
 /-(4)-/ have c_imp_b := p3
 /-(5)-/ have c: C := Imp.elim_right c_imp_b b
 /-(6) = (1) -/ -- 重複記述はできない
 /-(7)-/ have a_or_d: A∨D := Or.intro_left D a

 /-(8)-/ show C∧(A∨D) from And.intro c a_or_d
#check example_1

def example_1' (p1: A) (p2: A→B) (p3: B→C)  :  C∧(A∨D) :=
 /-(1)-/ have b: B := p2 p1
 /-(2)-/ have c: C := p3 b
 /-(3)-/ have a_or_d: A∨D := Or.intro_left D p1
 /-(4)-/ show C∧(A∨D) from And.intro c a_or_d
#check example_1'