
/-! 写像と関係 -/
namespace My

/- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -/
section Logic

def MP {A B: Prop}
  (p:A → B) (a: A) 
  : B
:= p a

def Inst {X: Type} {P: X → Prop}
 (w: ∀(x: X), P x) (a : X)
 : P a
:= w a

def Cut {A B C : Prop}
 (p: A → B) (q: B → C)
 : A → C
:= q ∘ p

end Logic
/- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -/
#check MP
#check Inst
#check Cut

def IsInjective {X Y: Type} (f: X → Y) : Prop :=
 ∀(x y : X),( f x = f y → x = y )
#print IsInjective

theorem eq_triv (X : Type) : ∀(x :X),( x = x)
  fun (x :X )=>
  Eq.refl x

theorem logical_triv (P : Prop) : P → P
:= fun (w: P)=> w
#print logical_triv

theorem id_is_injective' (X : Type) 
  : ∀(x y : X),(  x =  y → x = y )
  fun (x y : X) =>
  fun (w: x = y) => (w : x = y)
#print id_is_injective'
assume some x y :x
assume w: x = Y
we_conclude x = y from w


theorem id_is_injective (X : Type)
 : IsInjective (λ(x: X)=> x)
:= id_is_injective' X
#print id_is_injective

theorem id_is_injective_? (X : Type)
 (id_is_injective2_?  :(X : Type) → ∀(x y : X),(  x =  y → x = y ) )
 : IsInjective (λ(x: X)=> x)
:= id_is_injective2_? X

theorem id_is_injective2_! (X : Type) : ∀(x y : X),(  x =  y → x = y )
:= fun (x y : X) (w: x = y) => w

theorem id_is_injective_! (X : Type)
 : IsInjective (λ(x: X)=> x)
:= id_is_injective_? X (fun X:Type => id_is_injective2_! X)

/- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -/
namespace inj_inj_comp_inj 
## 単射と単射の結合は単射である

variable -- 前提/コンテキスト
 {X Y Z : Type}
 (f:X → Y) (g: Y → Z)

def target': Prop := 
 (IsInjective f) ∧ (IsInjective g) → (IsInjective (g∘f))
#check target'  -- {X Y Z : Type} (f : X → Y) (g : Y → Z) : Prop

def target: Prop := 
 (IsInjective f) → (IsInjective g) → (IsInjective (g∘f))
#check target  -- {X Y Z : Type} (f : X → Y) (g : Y → Z) : Prop

def lemma_1
  (q : IsInjective g) 
--  : (IsInjective (g∘f))
have _q: ∀(y y' : Y),( g y = g y' → y = y' ) := q
let r :  ∀(x y : X),( g (f x) = g (f y) → f x = f y ) :=
  fun (x y: X)=> q (x := f x) (y := f y)
show ∀(x y : X),( g (f x) = g (f y) → f x = f y ) from r

def lemma_2
  (p : IsInjective f)
  (q : IsInjective g) 
--  : 
have _1 : ∀(x y : X),( g (f x) = g (f y) → f x = f y ) :=
  lemma_1 q

def main : target f g := sorry
#check target f g

#check inst_conc

end -- section
end inj_inj_comp_inj
/- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -/

theorem inj_inj_comp_inj {X Y Z : Type}
 (f:X → Y) (g: Y → Z)
 : (IsInjective f) ∧ (IsInjective g) → (IsInjective g∘f)

end My