axiom, constant, parameter, hypothesis などは同義語であり、どれを選ぶかは好みの問題。
- axiom exclusive_middle {P :Prop} : P∧¬P → False : Prop
- constant exclusive_middle {P :Prop} : P∧¬P → False : Prop
- parameter exclusive_middle {P :Prop} : P∧¬P → False : Prop
- hypothesis exclusive_middle {P :Prop} : P∧¬P → False : Prop
theorem, lemma は同義語。rule とか principle も同義。
theorem Or.elim {c : Prop} (h : Or a b) (leftPoof : a → c) (rightProof : b → c) : c := match h with | Or.inl h => leftProof h | Or.inr h => rightProof h
-- 連言消去ルール rule Or.elim {c : Prop} (h : Or a b) (leftPoof : a → c) (rightProof : b → c) : c := match h with | Or.inl h => leftProof h | Or.inr h => rightProof h
-- 連言消去原理 principle Or.elim {c : Prop} (h : Or a b) (leftPoof : a → c) (rightProof : b → c) : c := match h with | Or.inl h => leftProof h | Or.inr h => rightProof h
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