

接続付きG-バンドルに関して、{ホロノミー | モノドロミー}群と{ホロノミー | モノドロミー}表現を考えることができる。バンドルの接続が平坦〈可積分=無曲率〉の場合、ホロノミーとモノドロミーを区別する必要はない。


  • モノドロミー群は、ホロノミー群を、ホモトピー自明閉曲線に沿った平行移動の像となる正規部分群で割った商群。



ホロノミー表現=パス圏の構造群への表現において、ホモトピー自明ループの像は曲率群と呼んでいいのではないか? 曲率群が自明なら平坦接続=無曲率接続。


  • ホロノミー表現: パス圏 → 構造群


https://mathoverflow.net/questions/95939/what-is-the-difference-between-holonomy-and-monodromy の回答1

Holonomy = monodromy iff the bundle is flat. In general, monodromy
group is the quotient of holonomy group by the normal subgroup formed
by parallel transports along homotopically trivial loops.

One of the simplest examples when two groups are different is the
holonomy of the tangent bundle of the standard Riemannian metric on
the 2-sphere. Then monodromy is trivial since sphere is
simply-connected, while holonomy group is SO(2).

Two more remarks. First, the conundrum: What is the holonomy of a
complete hyperbolic surface S? The answer: It depends who you ask. A
differential geometer (like Robert Bryant) would think of the tangent
bundle and his answer would be SO(2) or O(2) (depending on
orientability). A hyperbolic geometer (like William Thurston) would
think of the hyperbolic structure as a special (X,G)-structure and
answer: π<sub>1</sub>(S)⊂PSL(2,R). (An (X,G) structure could be
regarded as a flat X-bundle with a section transversal to the flat
connection, so holonomy of the flat bundle is the holonomy of the
structure.) If you were to ask me, I would say "It depends ..."

Second remark: For cultural, historic, etc. reasons, given a flat
bundle, differential geometers and topologists tend to use the word
"holonomy," while people in algebraic geometry, complex analysis,
singularity theory, tend to use the word "monodromy."